Monday, October 31, 2011

Salt Springs State Park, August 26-28, 2011

What a nice State Park, it has full hook-ups.  Cell service is non existing..but we do survive a few days without it.


We had sites 1,2 & 3…great sites..nothing parked in front of us.  My friend Wendy had just got a new camper on the far right above..this was her maiden trip.


Salt Springs


The water is clear and cold.


Buzzards waiting on someone to drop food…scary creatures.

We had a wonderful time at Salt
Springs, will definitely go back.

We camped here with the Pye’s and the Quintycki’s


Camp Blanding, August 11-14, 2011

We love staying at Camp Blanding, such a nice campground.  We had some friends come to visit on Saturday..we had a great time.  I guess we had such a good time I forgot to take any pictures.

We were in Site 10 which was across the road from the lake.  The water is so clear and nice.  There are boats and jet skis on this lake so trying to float on rafts was a lot of work.  Brent secured a rope in the water and we were able to hold onto it.  That way we did not fight the current to stay away from the shore.

Look forward to going back to Camp Blanding soon.

If you go back in my blog there pictures from trips to Camp Blanding.


Rodman Dam, August 5-7, 2011

We made plans with the Pye’s to go back to Rodman Dam, we had stayed there New Years Eve.  Our goal was to camp at Rodman dam, but we were heading to Silver Glen Springs on Saturday for the day.  It was a bout 20 miles from the campground.

Brent and I had not been to any of the what fun.


This place was beautiful…just random pictures…none of us in the water pictures.


The boats line up at the far end….we walked around and looked at all of them.


Sand boils


Our campsite at Rodman…we were on the opposite side of the hill this time away from the barge canal.


The Pye’s site.

Had a great time…so glad we were introduced to the springs..stay tuned we went to another spring 3 weeks later.

We camped with the Pye’s.


Blythe Island Campground, Brunswick, GA July29-31, 2011


Someone over 4th of July suggested Blythe Island Campground in Brunswick, we decided to give it a whirl. 



It was it was very hot and humid.  This would be a nice winter camping trip.  Lots of ticks too…ick!


The campsites are very long…pretty private.

This is just about as in the woods we can get with our rig.


The lake…not something I would get in..but some people were swimming.  The water level was very low too.


Lots of domesticated rabbits running around..we saw black ones too.


More doggie pics..they love camping.  I did get a new bike with a basket, Lilly rides in the basket..this trip was our first try, she did great as long as she can see Kona.  Kona walks/runs along side Brent or she pulls him.


Lilly playing hide and seek 


There was something in the tree and Kona would sit for a long time just looking up…Brent was trying to see.


We had a nice time..would go back during cooler weather.



July 4th trip, July 1- July 10, 2011

Of course we went to Flamingo Lake, we do most major Holidays there..always lots of fun with family and friends.  This was Mackenzie’s last long trip with us..she started kindergarten the first week of August.

She loves to pose for pictures…


Along with the rest of our camping crew we had some friends come out for dinner on Friday night…we did our famous grilled pizzas on pita bread.  Always a hit.


David, Brent, David and Mike


David and Mike


Mackenzie, Megan, Shelley and Chip


Pizza time


Poser aka Mackenzie


Justa’s birthday was on July 5th…Mackenzie made her

momma a card.



Then got her with silly string.


We had the whole week just her and I we played at the park, in the lake, rode bikes and she made some new friends there too.


Woke up one night and this is what I found…she moved from the couch to the floor..silly girl.  Nothing like sleeping with the dogs.

This trip we camped with the Pye’s and the Quintycki’s..and Tammy came along with Wendy…fun times.


Father’s Day Weekend, June 16-19, 2011

Once again I did not get caught up on posting…going to try again.  We went to our local campground, Flamingo Lake RV Resort.  Always nice to get away.

The dogs are so comfy camping.




Kona made the step her pillow.

Since I am behind on posting..I can’t remember much about that weekend…must have been uneventful.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend May 26-30, 2011

Yeah the beginning of summer…oh wait we live in Florida summer started months ago.

We along with lots of friends are making it a tradition of going to Flamingo Lake RV Resort for the major holidays.  It is close to home, if someone has to work they are still close enough to travel back and forth.  The kids can come visit for the day and go home.

We went out on Thursday night because Brent had to work on Friday, we would rather set up on Thursday then I have all day Friday to play..better then pulling in late Friday evening.

We had Mackenzie on Thursday night and Friday.


Eating lunch before heading to the lake.


Entertaining, Kenz loves these ladies.


Pretty girl posing.

This is going to be a long post, it was a long weekend..right?

Well later in the afternoon thunder and lightening started…what a whirlwind few hours.  Mackenzie screamed..she was scared..the dogs barked and barked and paced up and down the rig.  The weather radio would not stop beeping…..Brent was still at work….of course everyone was inside.  I was trying to console Kenz…she finally fell asleep from sheer fear I think.

Not only was it thunder, lightening, and hailed too.  I managed to get some pictures.


The beginning




The end


Roads were flooded for a bit.

Lots of rigs were damaged, broken sky lights, vent covers.  Some electrical surges blew things out.  Thankfully our only damage was to our brittle awning.  It was still usable and we did use it the rest of the summer.  Changed it out right before Labor Day weekend.

Needless to say after the storm…the Café became very busy. 

If you go back in my blog to around July 2010 you will meet sock monkey..he likes to terrorize the campground.  Well he was having a good time after the storm.


Karaoke                            Beer at the Cafe


Dancing                               Babysitting


Climbing Trees


Riding Flamingos




Bike riding                                  Hanging with Vinny

Sock Monkey sure does like to get around..thankfully he made it back home.

The RV Resort always has bands on Holiday weekends..we were at the beach waiting for the band to start.  Grimm White Steed was the band.



Kenz wondering if Mason is going to dance with her.


Brent, Broc and Erin


Brent, Broc and Erin & a guy that woks at Mercedes with Broc and his wife.



We camped with the Pye’s. the Baker’s, the Fiacco’s, and the Quintycki’s….and plenty of others we have met there.

Always fun, but then we need a vacation from our vacation.
